Saturday, 13 July 2013


Om Shanti,

OM SHANTI is not a Greeting as many might think of. OM SHANTI means I am a SOUL who is SHANT. When we accept this fact then it makes us very easy to get the FEELING of SHANTI.

Today I would like to tell about some thing which has become more and more clear to me in the recent period, I pen it down as follows:

I RECOGNIZE that we all are DIFFERENT and UNIQUE individuals. So I am UNIQUE and hence DIFFERENT from others. I ACCEPT my self as it is and LIKE myself as it is. ACCEPTING some one as it is is LOVE. I LOVE my self. Hence I LIKE to treat my self in such a way that I do not HURT myself. I do what ever at EVERY moment by taking the responsibility of not HURTING myself at any cost. Well it is good to say that I LOVE Myself than saying I DONOT HURT or HATE myself. In order to LOVE myself I should keep my self HAPPY always. This happiness which I am talking is TRUE Happiness, not the one created by HURTING others or the Sensorial Pleasures (Eating/comforting/ etc). We all in the AWAKENING path can realize that these SENSORIAL pleasures are very very MOMENTARY happiness. Some of us might still call these sensorial pleasures as Happiness, till we realise that we are becoming slaves to these Five Senses.

Now the question comes is HOW DO I BE HAPPY ALWAYS.

  • Happiness is WITH In not OUTSIDE of us. 
  • Happiness is NOW. It is not in the PAST or in the FUTURE.
  • Happiness is in CONTENTMENT
  • Happiness is also JOY.  JOY is very good FEELING which you will experience when you are in the PROCESS of Creating. Thought creation is the CREATION, so Create Very Powerful, Positive and Happy Thoughts. Do it very regularly, I mean always. Try to do it every hour with attention.
  • Happiness is also BLISS. Bliss is a Fantastic Feeling. When you experience tremendous FREEDOM you will experience BLISS.
  • Happiness is NOT in:
    • SUCCESS.
Think over and do find a Knack to be Happy Always by LOVING your self Truly.

Om Shanti
BK Raghuram 

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