Saturday, 16 February 2013


Om Shanti,
It is true that we all wants SHANTI.
What is SHANTI and How do we get it. The word SHANTI can be expressed with a combined meaning of  STILLNESS, SILENCE and PEACE. We all have experienced SILENCE and STILLNESS. When we experience all these 3 at the same time, we will notice a state which is SHANTI.

Unless we have PURITY we can not get REAL good experience of SHANTI. So PURITY is the first step and it is the one which will take us all the way to KARMA-TEETH state. At any state of our BRAHMAN Jeevan if we do not have absolute PURITY we will be out of the GAME to achieve KARMATEETH state. The word PURITY is not simply being CELEBERT or BRAHMACHARYA, it is to be well understood by the SELF. Ofcourse it is must to be CELEBERT or BRAHMACHARYA to be PURE. By doing continuous VICHAR-SAGAR-MANTHAN or CHURNING-KNOWLEDGE about PURITY, we may understand and follow it.

Once we practice PURITY, we start experiencing SHANTI and get the connection to GOD or SHIV-BABA. This connection is called YOG. With the YOG we can get the POWERS with in the SOUL or ATMA. These POWERS will increase our SELF RESPECT and Lowers our FALSE EGO.

Real HAPPINESS is experienced when we perform right KARMA or GOOD DEEDs. So whenever we perform good karma we get the feeling of Happiness.

When we have accumulated Powers and feel SHANTI & Happiness we notice others getting LOVE from us. In order to be LOVEFUL we need to accumulate powers. When we have lot of LOVE we will notice others feel much better in our presence. LOVE is unconditional Acceptance.

Let us do our part in making better Effort or Purusharth to be a TRUE SOUL Conscious SOUL.

OM Shanti
BK Raghuram Singh

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