Sunday, 15 July 2012

Transforming Others with Your Yoga Power

Om Shanti,

Being a Brahma Kumar for about a short period of 18 months or so, I have discovered that TRUELY we can transform others with our own YOGA power. In RAJYOGA the method to transform others is very simple and practical. Any one can experiment with this by following simple steps.

1. Before Thinking of transforming others please understand very well that if you transform your self you can transform others.
2. To transform ourself first we need to understand about ourself. For which we need to find answer to the Question "Who am I?"
3. Once you know about yourself, you are in the path to find how to transform yourself and you will get the introduction of GODFATHER or PARAMATMA. This stage is the simple realisation stage and you are looking forward to receive signal from God, who is always there to change/purify us.
4. To pass though this stage it might take some period, but it is worth feeling good about it. One way is to feel the silence. Sit with yourslef and try to watch your thoughts and try to understand their pattern. You will notice what is triggering what kind of thoughts. Its a nice puzzle do not get bored with it, as it will WIN you the SPIRITUAL Lottery at end.
5. Once you are in the path of transforming yourself for BETTER, you will understand the KARMA philosophy. Well, it is like the way you are today is becasue of your past KARMA. So, do not worry if you feel your position as on today is not nice. The TRICK here is to know that if you do good things or CREATE good  THOUGHTS from today, you will become or get what you want.
6. Also understand what ever is happening in world is just right and it has to happen that way. Do not go in trying to confuse yourslef with Why? What? When? etc . . Well , you can try to find answers by not getting disturbed. If you get distrubed you are not transforming yourself.
7. Finally please understand that, you can give is what ever you have with you. So, be happy/peaceful/loveful etc then only you can give it to others. To be happy/peaceful/loveful you have to be in SILENCE and create the THOUGHTS & FEELINGS OF happiness/peacefulness/lovefulness.
8. In your meditation you think off the person whom you want to transform and give him/her those strong thoughts. Rememebr to get energy from GOD/Paramathma and give it to them. These thoughts should be pure and not mixed with selfish motives. When you give you will also get them to your self.
9. Fix up a particular period to do this exercise and do it regularly without fail. Have belief that you can do it.

Om Shanti

BK Raghuram Singh

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