Monday, 16 July 2012

Are All Humans a LIKE? or DIFFERENT?

We might agree that Humans are similar. Do we agree that there are more Differences than Similarities or the other way. Humans are different in Physical looks, Knowledge, Education, Wealth, Health etc., It appears some are born lucky as they get many things which many others do not  even can think of. What makes them so lucky or deserved ones than others. Some thinks that GOD/Paramathma has made us this way. Why a supreme power or GOD will do like that, so this is very poor conclusion that "GOD has made the world like this (Bad/Different etc.) "

Let us consider to what extent we agree that, "IF YOU DO GOOD WORK, YOU WILL GET GOOD RESULTS". Most of us should agree to this logic. That means if you are getting good results now you would have put good efforts earlier to get this results. If I am getting bad results now, I would have put only bad efforts or done wrong things earlier. Some times we feel we are not lucky and did not got the right position/respect etc. , for which we have to question ourselves about what we did in the past.

Well sometimes we do say I have done good only but still I am getting bad results and every thing is going wrong. This is where we have to understand WHO WE ARE first. Are we this BODY/POSITION etc., We  all know that BODY has certain span of life, in which some can not be just TOO LUCKY/RICH/GOOD etc and some are VERY UNLUCKY/POOR/BAD etc. This argument might take you to think that there is a living energy within us. That Energy can carry your GOOD & BAD accounts with it. If you do good now, you will be good in future. The future could be immediate (few months/years etc) or it could be next birth. This LIVING ENERGY within us is called SOUL/ATMA. This is exactly same in every human regardless they are MALE/FEMALE or Different Nationality, Religion, cast etc etc., We the SOULs/AATMAs can carry GOOD/BAD account of ours with us even in the next BIRTH.

Let us do good to become good and spread goodness in the universe. Raj Yoga technique of Brahma Kumaris ( ) is the best one to understand who we are and how to get connected to GOD/Paramathma.

Om Shanti.
BK Raghuram Singh

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