Saturday, 24 September 2011

Solutions to every problem you can think of

Om Shanti,

Do you have any problems for which you would like to solve. Believe me you can solve each and every one of them. You and only You can solve your problems. It is like you will get the method with little effort. This method is called Raj Yoga Meditation of Brahma Kumaries. With this method you not only get the solutions for all your problems, but also you will get UNLIMITED HAPPINESS.

I suggest you to find the nearest BK center to your Home or work place, I am sure you will find one within 5 km radius. Go there immediately and ask for your interest in doing a basic course. Each and every sister in the center are well qualified to teach you the course. Usually the course is about 45 min to 1 hr every day and it will be for 7 days. If you are a logical thinker it will be great for you to understand the teaching. Then Just follow the instructions and learn the Raj Yoga mediation. This mediation is done with the eyes open, which makes us to be in the mediation for 24 hours every day. If you are having stressfull work or problems with other people . . it must be draining your energy daily. With this meditation you will be plugging all your energy leaks and feel fresh even at the end of the day.

Try out the BK Raj Yoga and attend for Murli classes  . .  . give your self some time (2-4 months max)  . . before taking any decision . . .

all the best  .  . Om Shanti  . .  .Raghuram

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