Saturday, 24 September 2011

Realize you are a Soul

Om Shanti,

The Meaning of OM SHANTI is " I am a Peaceful Soul". This is the first realization of BK's Raj Yoga meditation. The second realization is GOD is also "a Soul" we call him as SUPER SOUL as he is SUPER in qualities. The qualities of SOUL are Peaceful, Love-ful, Energetic, Blissful, etc . .

Once you realize you are a soul . .  you can appreciate that all others who are interacting with you at home and office are also souls . . with the same great qualities or sanskars.  With this realization you are being a soul, you are already full with Happiness/Peace/Bliss  . . you need not and Should not search for happiness in outside matters (material/relation ships . . any body-consciousness thoughts). Next, when you are interacting with others, you will be draining your energy as you forget yourself as a soul. The trick of being happy is just to remember that you are a soul . .  and your GOD is a Super Soul ie., PARAM-ATMA.

As you might forget your self, your depletion of energy is natural. In order to Re-Charge your self , you need to connect to PARAM-ATMA who will act as the POWER HOUSE which is unlimited source of POWER.

Om Shanti


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