Wednesday, 5 October 2011

RajYoga : Technique to switch over to SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS from BODY Consciousness

Om Shanti,

It is our first responsibility to be Happy & Peaceful. This can not happen if we are in BODY consciousness. We have to be in SOUL Consciousness or ATMIC STITI to experience this unlimited happiness. In BODY consciousness we do experience limited happiness . . through our INDRIYAs . . like eating/Sleeping/TV/Enjoying/Comfort etc. , The doses of Happiness are becoming lesser and lesser. Some one who is rich, can afford more physical comforts, but cannot experience unlimited happiness.

One of the best ( my be ONLY) Technique is Brahmakumaris RAJYOGA Meditation. Do try out if you want to live Happiness to your self and your family/friends . .  OM SHANTI . . .Raghuram

Murli can do Miracles

Murli can do Miracles

Om Shanti,
The most important things in my day are Amrit Vela Meditation (3.45am to 4.45am) and Murli in Class. Believe me only Murli can change your acquired sanskars(khrod, nafrath, irshya, unhappiness . .etc). All the acquired sanskars are the one we acquired over last 84 janmas. These are not our ORIGINAL sanskars (LOVE, PEACE, Happiness, Gyan, Shaktia etc)that is why it is very hard to change them.

In short, if you want to experience unlimited happiness and give the same to others . . please please please go to Murli classes every day. .

Om Shanti
Raghuram Singh

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Realize you are a Soul

Om Shanti,

The Meaning of OM SHANTI is " I am a Peaceful Soul". This is the first realization of BK's Raj Yoga meditation. The second realization is GOD is also "a Soul" we call him as SUPER SOUL as he is SUPER in qualities. The qualities of SOUL are Peaceful, Love-ful, Energetic, Blissful, etc . .

Once you realize you are a soul . .  you can appreciate that all others who are interacting with you at home and office are also souls . . with the same great qualities or sanskars.  With this realization you are being a soul, you are already full with Happiness/Peace/Bliss  . . you need not and Should not search for happiness in outside matters (material/relation ships . . any body-consciousness thoughts). Next, when you are interacting with others, you will be draining your energy as you forget yourself as a soul. The trick of being happy is just to remember that you are a soul . .  and your GOD is a Super Soul ie., PARAM-ATMA.

As you might forget your self, your depletion of energy is natural. In order to Re-Charge your self , you need to connect to PARAM-ATMA who will act as the POWER HOUSE which is unlimited source of POWER.

Om Shanti


Solutions to every problem you can think of

Om Shanti,

Do you have any problems for which you would like to solve. Believe me you can solve each and every one of them. You and only You can solve your problems. It is like you will get the method with little effort. This method is called Raj Yoga Meditation of Brahma Kumaries. With this method you not only get the solutions for all your problems, but also you will get UNLIMITED HAPPINESS.

I suggest you to find the nearest BK center to your Home or work place, I am sure you will find one within 5 km radius. Go there immediately and ask for your interest in doing a basic course. Each and every sister in the center are well qualified to teach you the course. Usually the course is about 45 min to 1 hr every day and it will be for 7 days. If you are a logical thinker it will be great for you to understand the teaching. Then Just follow the instructions and learn the Raj Yoga mediation. This mediation is done with the eyes open, which makes us to be in the mediation for 24 hours every day. If you are having stressfull work or problems with other people . . it must be draining your energy daily. With this meditation you will be plugging all your energy leaks and feel fresh even at the end of the day.

Try out the BK Raj Yoga and attend for Murli classes  . .  . give your self some time (2-4 months max)  . . before taking any decision . . .

all the best  .  . Om Shanti  . .  .Raghuram
Om shanti to all of you, who are interested in their self improvement/development and above all GOD realization. Believe me its not impossible to realize god and not impossible to feel Happy/Peaceful always. The method is, (1)just go to your nearest BK center and join for a 7 day course (daily 1 hr) (2) Learn Rajyoga meditation from the sister who teaches you at BK and practice it at AMRIT VELA ie.,at 4am daily (3) Daily morning (preferably) at 7am go to the Murli Class (Murli is Paramatma's LETTER to us) (4) I request you to give 2-3 months before you decide. . miracle will happen . . I promise you will thank BK for sure. . .

 Om Shanti, Raghuram Singh
Om Shanti to all of you who have heard about BK. Believe me you are lucky to hear about BK and the best will follow if you can make the next few steps of taking up the Basic Course at any BK center nearest to you. I was trying many meditations and with luck I landed here . . thanks to Sister Shivani. I have done the course in Dec at Pune and did not attended the Murli classes regularly at that time. Thanks again to sister Shivani . . in one of her talks about Murli (about Khrod/Anger) on TV, I realized what murli is. Next day itself I started going to murli classes (about 45days back). I have experienced QUICK Learning and It appears the world has changed . . Please make a little effort to realize GOD (Shiv Baba) . .

OM Shanti. . Raghuram Singh

Raj Yoga Meditation of Brahma Kumaries

Dear Sister Shivani and all other Sisters/Brothers,

 Om Shanti to you all. I would like to tell you two of the important points:

1) One of the beautiful and practical suggestion given by Sister Shivani is, 1min break after every 1 hr. During that 1 min break, just say to your self that you are a Santa Swaroop Aatma (peaceful loving being) and just visit Shiv Baba in ParamDham, and come back. You have to bring the feeling of peaceful/lovefulness when you do this. other wise it becomes just dry. This is how we can be in soul consciousness through out the day.

2) Another beautiful practical suggestion of Sister Shivani is, when you are about to meet any one, just tell your self that he/she is also another Shanta Swaroop Aatma. Again, You have to bring the feeling of peaceful/lovefulness when you do this. other wise it becomes just dry. You have to do this, when you meet each and every person in your daily interaction. In the beginning you have to forcefully do it, later on it becomes automatic. My experience is, this bring you +ve energy and people will be very comfortable with you.

I am sharing this because, these I have tried and I am feeling very good. It appears that everything is perfect once I bring the change in me.

Om Shanti to all of you.
Thanks for reading.
Dear Sister Shivani and other sisters/brothers (who are seekers like me),

I have gone through some of the Posts/comments of sisters/brothers. I would like to share my thoughts here. BK method has suited perfectly for me and I have faith that this is the only method to live happy life. We all can realize God/ShivBaba by following BK method. I suggest you to do the following:
1) Firstly choose the nearest BK center and do the 7 day BK course. Keep your mind open, interact well, have faith and practice it as suggested by the sister who is teaching.
2) As soon as you are learn Rajyoga meditation, start doing it at AmritVela ie., 4am daily. Try to have light dinner and sleep by 9.30pm or so.
3) Before going to sleep you have to meditate and clear the negative thoughts created during the day.
4) Through out the day stop every hour, 1 min and get connected to ShivBaba and fill up with positive, Peaceful, loveful, energetic thoughts.
5) Please remember that your journey has started. It goes ON and ON. Through out your journey you will feel happy, peaceful, loveful. Also you might experience negative thoughts. Just remember that you are in your journey to SatyaYuga.
6) Most important point is, with whom ever you had/have any problems, invite them in your 4am meditation and take energy/love/peaceful thoughts from ShivBaba and give them to the Atma with whom you have problem. Also any time you experience negative thoughts about them, create peaceful/loveful/energetic thoughts/vibrations to them. . . I PROMISE YOU WILL SEE MIRACLEs Happening . . . Om shanti to all. 

Thanks for reading. . . Raghuram

OM Shanti

Om Shanti Sister Shivani, 

I have been regularly viewing your programs for the last one year. I have done the Basic Course about 6 months back at BK center near to my work place in Pune. I do my meditation at 4am and take 1min break every hour to get the contact with Shivbaba. BK has really changed my life. I feel my real self always and I am in control of myself. Thanks to you a lot. Thanks to BK for the knowledge it has given. I wish to visit MoutAbu soon.