Wednesday, 5 October 2011

RajYoga : Technique to switch over to SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS from BODY Consciousness

Om Shanti,

It is our first responsibility to be Happy & Peaceful. This can not happen if we are in BODY consciousness. We have to be in SOUL Consciousness or ATMIC STITI to experience this unlimited happiness. In BODY consciousness we do experience limited happiness . . through our INDRIYAs . . like eating/Sleeping/TV/Enjoying/Comfort etc. , The doses of Happiness are becoming lesser and lesser. Some one who is rich, can afford more physical comforts, but cannot experience unlimited happiness.

One of the best ( my be ONLY) Technique is Brahmakumaris RAJYOGA Meditation. Do try out if you want to live Happiness to your self and your family/friends . .  OM SHANTI . . .Raghuram

Murli can do Miracles

Murli can do Miracles

Om Shanti,
The most important things in my day are Amrit Vela Meditation (3.45am to 4.45am) and Murli in Class. Believe me only Murli can change your acquired sanskars(khrod, nafrath, irshya, unhappiness . .etc). All the acquired sanskars are the one we acquired over last 84 janmas. These are not our ORIGINAL sanskars (LOVE, PEACE, Happiness, Gyan, Shaktia etc)that is why it is very hard to change them.

In short, if you want to experience unlimited happiness and give the same to others . . please please please go to Murli classes every day. .

Om Shanti
Raghuram Singh